Feb 14
28 Sep 11
A Day of Pure Alpine Excellence
"While there is a technical side to mountaineering, a confrontation with the raw power of the mountains that came only to be understood by those who venture into the hills, there is an essential element that everyone is familiar with, and that is the friendship you forge along the way. This is such a pivotal part of the...
Publiziert von Josh Lewis 14. Februar 2012 um 08:22 (Fotos:8 | Kommentare:1)
Aug 1
1 Jul 10
No Country for Bold Men
"There are old Mountaineers, there are bold mountaineers, but no bold and old mountaineers." -Ed Viesturs "A sense of uncertainty that is potentially fatal is what makes climbing an...
Publiziert von Josh Lewis 29. Juli 2010 um 07:07 (Fotos:6 | Kommentare:2)
Apr 15
Washington   T3+  
23 Aug 08
Mount Adams South Spur
Note : The trip report has both German and English versions. I been wanting to go to Mount Adams for many years, and even had plans but they never really worked out due to my mother having a very busy life and money issues and of coarse us all being prepared. But fortunatly for me and my brother, an oppertunity arose when Mark...
Publiziert von Josh Lewis 15. April 2009 um 04:35 (Fotos:2 | Kommentare:3)
Okt 1
Washington   WT1  
21 Jan 08
A magical time in the Mountains
The Mountain Loop highway is a very unique set of Mountains, located in the Cascades. Although it may not be my favorite place in the world, it is one of them so far. I been to the mountain loop highway plenty of times, but this time, because the road was closed, I would have to walk it. Even though you have to walk the road...
Publiziert von Josh Lewis 1. Oktober 2008 um 05:38 (Fotos:7 | Kommentare:2 | Geodaten:1)
Washington   T2  
Cascade Pass Adventures
I have been to Cascade Pass several times, each time with its own unique experience... This is a place of many wonders! Thats why it is and for a long time will remain my Special Mountain! I will explain each of the experiences of when I went to Cascade Pass or Sahale Mountain which is basicly the same hike but right next to each...
Publiziert von Josh Lewis 2. Oktober 2008 um 07:29 (Fotos:1)
Washington   T2  
Three Fingers Trip
Me, and  Gimpilator on September 12, 2008 went to Three Fingers. When I heard the news, I could hardly wait, I been wanting to go here longer than any other mountain that I have waited.... about 3 years, the reason I did'nt go a long time ago because my mother always way busy around the time of year that it was avalible, or...
Publiziert von Josh Lewis 26. Oktober 2008 um 13:09
Washington   T2  
23 Nov 08
Hex Mountain Hike
It's been a while since I been hiking... about a month and a half, and for me thats a long time. I've been sick a few days earlier with the flu, but have the desparate desire of hiking even if I am weak and will be very tired during the hike. I called Gimpilator's house and stayed there, and was so lucky to have this oppertunity....
Publiziert von Josh Lewis 25. November 2008 um 06:32 (Fotos:1)
Washington   T2  
Norse Peak
I've been waiting all week for our next hike, which was supposed to be Jolly Mountain, but things change. Again I could'nt sleep well and only had 4-5 hours of sleep, slightly better than last time. Before the trip I was crossing my fingers about going because not only was the weather looking bad, but I would have to get a ride to...
Publiziert von Josh Lewis 2. Dezember 2008 um 09:23
Washington   T2  
7 Dez 08
Jolly Mountain
This trip took place on December 7, 2008. Before the hike a few days before I tired myself out and got my self sore on my legs due to an intense game of dodge ball, some running games at youth group and a game somewhat similar to tug of war which very much tired me out but by Sunday I somewhat recovered. Unfortunatly my friends...
Publiziert von Josh Lewis 9. Dezember 2008 um 08:12 (Fotos:1)
Washington   T4-  
24 Apr 09
Camp Muir White Out
This was one of the most intense hikes I have ever been on, on a normal day it's just a simple walk across the Muir snowfield to the Camp, but in a while out, it's not so simple. The idea came about April 23 on Thursday when I really wanted to get out. Unfortunatly we could'nt leave early Friday because of a lot of problems that...
Publiziert von Josh Lewis 27. April 2009 um 03:12 (Fotos:1)
Washington   T3  
A Fun Time Hiking to Camp Muir
Trip Time: A little over a Day (August 28-29) Elevation Gain: 4,500 Feet After Summiting Mount Baker I had hope for climbing Mount Rainier, right after Baker I went to Lakeside Bible Camp which I served there and during that time I studied the book "Freedom of the Hills 7th Edition" which is a Mountaineers book....
Publiziert von Josh Lewis 2. September 2009 um 23:48
1 Mai 10
On the Edge
"This was an adventure I will not soon forget, at times I felt as though I was literally on the edge" Location: Leavenworth near Icicle Creek Who Came: Mark, Stewart, and I came on this trip Date: April 30-May 1 (Friday Night - Late Saturday) Mark has been wanted to get out rock climbing for the longest...
Publiziert von Josh Lewis 16. Mai 2010 um 08:28 (Fotos:1)
Washington   T3  
5 Sep 10
Having a Blast in the Olympics
"Its been a while since they let me come out and play!" -Simon...
Publiziert von Josh Lewis 14. September 2010 um 07:17 (Fotos:3)
California   T6+ WI2  
2 Dez 11
The Grand Tour: A 15 Day Mountaineering Road Trip (Part 1)
"A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions." -Oliver Wendell Holmes The entire trip report can be found on my personal website. (Hikr does not support long TRs) This was the greatest adventure of the year and is the longest road trip I have ever been on. We traveled from Mount...
Publiziert von Josh Lewis 12. Februar 2012 um 00:09 (Fotos:3)
California   T5  
10 Dez 11
The Grand Tour: A 15 Day Mountaineering Road Trip (Part 2)
Day 7: Hiking up to Upper Boyscout Lake In the morning from our camp spot we could see Mount Whitney glowing brightly during the sunrise as well as some other cool peaks in the area. We went to the ranger station to get our free permit as well as some beta. The rangers told us that there was 6 feet of snow which non of us even...
Publiziert von Josh Lewis 12. Februar 2012 um 00:16 (Fotos:3)
10 Dez 11
The Grand Tour: A 15 Day Mountaineering Road Trip (Part 3)
Day 9: Summit Day on Mount Whitney This was summit day for Mount Whitney which got me very excited, but at the same time I realized that it was December 10th which was my brother Kevin's birthday. I was sad that I could not visit him, especially the fact that he was in the hospital and last I heard he was in critical...
Publiziert von Josh Lewis 12. Februar 2012 um 00:22 (Fotos:3)
11 Dez 11
The Grand Tour: A 15 Day Mountaineering Road Trip (Part 4)
A while later Michael drove up to the Whitney Portal, and just like that we were on our way to Death Valley. It was the first time I had ever been to Death Valley which I was impressed at how vast the valley actually was. It was during this moment that I could finally announce "wow, I'm far away from home!". We were on our way to...
Publiziert von Josh Lewis 12. Februar 2012 um 00:26 (Fotos:3)
15 Dez 11
The Grand Tour: A 15 Day Mountaineering Road Trip (Part 5)
Day 14: Lehman Cave & Wheeler Camp In the morning Michael decided that he would stay at the car while Gimpilator and I climbed Wheeler Peak. Looking at the surrounding landscape I felt as though I was on the far ends of the Earth. Hardly anyone seemed to live in these lands, but that's what made this place special. Before...
Publiziert von Josh Lewis 12. Februar 2012 um 00:30 (Fotos:3)
31 Aug 11
Rainier in a Day: A Challenging Escapade
"Do not wish for easier lives, wish to be stronger men" -John F. Kennedy "I am not an adventurer by choice but by fate." -Vincent van Gogh This was quite the undertaking. The previous year I climbed Mount Rainier in two days which was a little bit tiring, but not a big deal. This time it was both physically and mentally...
Publiziert von Josh Lewis 14. Februar 2012 um 08:47 (Fotos:3)