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Glarus   T3+  
4 Jul 15
2-days hike: from Linthal to Elm via Kistenpasshütte
Two hot, summer days of intense hiking. The only way to hide from a heat is to be high enough... So let's go. Day 1. Linthal - Kistenpasshütte (T3+) 6h (walking) + 1.5 h (lunch and beer in Muttseehütte) + 1h to Muttenbergen (2956 m) and back With SBB from Zurich to Linthal (662 m) and at 9:20 start of hiking. At the...
Publiziert von frookie 23. Juli 2015 um 23:21 (Fotos:8 | Geodaten:2)
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