Gonda Grossa - notre route passe par la gauche et finit dans le rochers en haut.

Kommentare (2)

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Omega3 hat gesagt: Mission Impossible?
Gesendet am 27. Juni 2007 um 13:47
Hi Stani
I studied that part many times on the map if it is possible to pass without climbing. I didn't understood all in your (french) report, but is it right, that this passage is only for climbers?

Stani™ hat gesagt: RE:Mission Impossible?
Gesendet am 27. Juni 2007 um 13:54
Hi Ω
In fact, I don't think so! There is some easy climbing, sure, but it should be a passage. I will ask "the man who knows" (owner of goats) when I see him next time.
I also found that the map isn't really helping there, not enough detail.


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