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Kommentare (3)

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Marco1 hat gesagt: Piano piano
Gesendet am 10. Januar 2011 um 22:10
Ciao, sono Marco, bella foto! In Italia c'è un detto che dice " chi va piano và lontano". ( who go slow, go so far ! ). I look your project and i told you that the Cabane the Canrion it's very good place, also the Cabane de Panoissere behind Grand Combin it's very beautiful! Ciao. Buona sera.

Willem hat gesagt: RE:Piano piano
Gesendet am 11. Januar 2011 um 00:02
Buona sera Marco (e buona notte:-P)!

>Ciao, sono Marco, bella foto! In Italia c'è un detto che dice " chi va piano và lontano".

Grazie per i complimenti! Unfortunately my Italian is not good enough to continue in Italian:-(.

The route to Cabane de Chanrion seems to me an easy, but very beautiful hike from Mauvoisin, especially if you have time to discover both hut paths. Have you tried both of them?

The surroudings of Cabane de Panossière are indeed very impressive! Just in case you didn't notice, we have been there already!:-).

Ciao e buone escursioni!

Gianluca (= Willem in Italian!)

Marco1 hat gesagt: RE:Piano piano
Gesendet am 11. Januar 2011 um 20:44
Hi Willem, 4 years ago i make a trek around Grand Combin in 7 days, those place it's very good.
Good winter!...with sun!!

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