- Great Scott! We're faced to a major space-time paradox
- This is heavy, Doc!

Kommentare (3)

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Omega3 hat gesagt: Ooops
Gesendet am 28. Juni 2007 um 18:43
Looks like 360 is living in an other time zone!
I hope, he 'll be back soon!

Anna hat gesagt: RE:Ooops
Gesendet am 28. Juni 2007 um 21:17
Jes, looks like 360 is living in an other dimension.
We hope that he will not disappear because we discovered this paradox.

360 Pro hat gesagt: RE:Ooops
Gesendet am 29. Juni 2007 um 08:25
I had a hard time to find my way back to the present, but here I am ... I guess spacetime is wraped the right way on Piz Arina.

Maybe I should try again and beam me up there to prevent the cross from being destroyed, so you don't have to go there yesterday and fix it.

Anyway, good job fixing the cross, well done!


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