Mt. Rainier

Kommentare (2)

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Jackthepot hat gesagt: Gorgeous photographs
Gesendet am 8. Oktober 2012 um 20:39
Dear Allessandra,
Congratulations to your tour around Mt. Rainier. I stayed for 9 months in USA, but never had the time to go to the North-West. Since that time Mt. Rainier (and for sure all the other volcanos) in that area are one of my favorites for the next trip to US ... somewhen...
Best Regards

ale84 hat gesagt: RE:Gorgeous photographs
Gesendet am 9. Oktober 2012 um 13:27
Hello Harald,
thanks for your compliments and for your message.
This was our second holiday in the U.S., all National Parks are special places and Mt. Rainier is really beautiful! I wish you to go there as soon as possible!
Best Regards,
(sorry for my english)

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