Cresta della Föpia

Kommentare (2)

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skiboy1969 hat gesagt: Zaza und Marco in Verzasca
Gesendet am 16. Oktober 2010 um 09:43
HI Zaza, just in this time, i was in Lavertezzo, coming down val pincascia.
I did the same tour some years ago and i rememberd as one of the most beatiful hiking i ever did.
congratulation for your touring in ticino

Zaza hat gesagt: RE:Zaza und Marco in Verzasca
Gesendet am 16. Oktober 2010 um 09:56
Ciao Marco,

too bad, it would've been fun to meet for a drink in Lavertezzo or Brione! Maybe some other time. Verzasca rules!

best regards, Manuel

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