Veduta sullo Strahlhorn (4190 m).

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Alpenorni hat gesagt:
Gesendet am 5. August 2017 um 16:37
This is Strahlhorn (4190m)

siso hat gesagt: RE:
Gesendet am 5. August 2017 um 16:38

Alpenorni hat gesagt: RE:
Gesendet am 5. August 2017 um 16:53
Long time ago, it was 1981 and I was 18 years old, I climbed Allalin- and Strahlhorn with a friend of mine and remember the adventurous times very good.
Over all the years I often came back in the holidays to the Saasvalley and like the mountains there very well.
Some years ago I also was on the Joderhorn - without clouds there is a phantastic sight to MonteRosa-East and Mischabel.
Greetings from the North

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