Non-breaking space

Published by poudrieres, 21 April 2014, 13h16. This page has been displayed 635 times.


Does anyone have an idea why using the online editor tends to create " " instead of " " (blank space) in the HTML code when adding text creates a line wrap in the editor window? The " " is displayed as "no space at all" after saving the text.

I usally use the Notepad application to replace " " by " " in the HTML code before publishing a final version. Using an offline editor and pasting the complete text is also an option.

Thank you in advance for your comments.


Comments (5)

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Martin Job Pro says: Suche "ckeditor nbsp"
Sent 21 April 2014, 20h16
Versuch mal "ckeditor nbsp" z.b. mit Google.
Die Resultate beginnen bei mir dann mit:
"CKEditor unwanted nbsp characters" u.s.w.
Selber helfen kann ich dir aber nicht ...
Frische Grüsse

PStraub says: Simple reason
Sent 22 April 2014, 07h09
The reason is quite simple: Browsers ignore all spaces except the first they encounter.
So, if you try to make a longer distance between words, eg. a kind of table, you need to use the 'not suppressed' " " instead.

If HTML-editors do interprete/replace your entry (= space) automatically, it is only to help you to get the result you probably want.


gbal says:
Sent 22 April 2014, 16h32
I believe that PStraub gave you a perfect answer; I suggest you to use an offline editor like Word, Wordpad and so on either to avoid this problem and because you can organize at your best the formatting of your text in a way easier than with the on-line editor.

poudrieres says: Final summary
Sent 3 January 2015, 11h01
Brower choice seems to make no difference.

With IE10/Win7 I do get an HTML code that looks like ...

"Ich schreibe erst eimal einen langen Satz. Und noch einen. Bis zum Zeilenbruch."

Then I add another sentence in the middle.

"Ich schreibe erst eimal einen langen Satz. Und dann fällt mir noch was ein. Und noch einen. Bis zum Zeilenbruch."

When inserting text causes the visual editor of the site to wrap the existing text you will see " " instead of " ".

When you insert photos into the text you might even end up with a black hole in your report : <span style="display: none">&nbsp;</span>.

Everything that you insert between the 2 "span" commands remains invisible.

So my recommendations are:

1. Use an external editor and copy the plain text only. Do formatting only as final touch.

2. Check your HTML when things disappear.

Kind regards


maex says:
Sent 3 January 2015, 16h21
Uh! I only understand railway station ... rofl

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