Hikr Map

Published by Anna, 8 January 2014, 18h26. This page has been displayed 1202 times.

Hallo people,

We uploaded a new version of the map which resolves most of the problems generated from GoogleMap v2 deprecation.

The new map uses Leaflet, but still loads GoogleMaps tiles, so you still have the old satellite map everybody loves.

Hikr UFO on GoogleEarth is again alive!

It's no more possible to draw lines and add info points, this feature will be nomore avaible. It wasn't used very much and won't be integrated in the new system.

We changed only on the pages where the old map didn't work anymore, i.e. the page of the report and of the waypoint.

Have fun

Comments (21)

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MunggaLoch says: Super!
Sent 9 January 2014, 06h09
Thanks Anna and Stani
Most I like that the marked waypoints in a tour are red again...
Have a good day and thanks again for your work,

Sent 9 January 2014, 07h39
A large thank you

MaeNi says:
Sent 9 January 2014, 08h49
Grazie 1000!

maawaa says:
Sent 9 January 2014, 17h00
Great job, thank`s a lot !

pika8x14 says:
Sent 9 January 2014, 21h45
Thanks a lot Anna and Stani,

but one little information for the IE-users: The Zoom in/Zoom out-Modus seems not to work for Geodata on Internet Explorer. Of course everything is ok on Chrome and Firefox.

Ein kleiner Hinweis: Im Internet Explorer scheint die Vergrößern/Verkeinern-Funktion nun nicht mehr für Geodaten (GPS-Tracks) zu funktionieren. Zumindest nach mehrmaligem Hin-und-Her-Zoomen sind Größe und Position des dargestellten Tracks nicht mehr korrekt. Auf Chrome und Firefox ist alles in Ordnung.

Gherard says: Thank you
Sent 10 January 2014, 17h54
it is nice to have the Hikr UFO back.

Thank you very much!

sven86 says:
Sent 10 January 2014, 18h07
Grazie mille!

360 Pro says: Create GPS Track
Sent 11 January 2014, 20h00
Thanks for the fixes, Anna & Stani!

>It's no more possible to draw lines and add info points, this feature will be nomore avaible. It wasn't used very much and won't be integrated in the new system.

For those out there on hikr who were amongst the few users who were actually using these tools which are no longer supported (in my case I created a "gps track" with these tools for more or less every report), I found a cool and free website which allows you to create gps tracks online, export them and import to a hikr report.


On this website you can easily create a gps track. As the background you can switch between different maps (including topos, satellite, google maps, etc). There are different other useful features like automatically follow a path or switch between ft and meters, miles and km etc. Once you're done drawing the track you can export it as gpx, kml, garmin (in total they offer more than 30 different formats) to your hard drive and from there import to your hikr report.

Thought some people out there might be interested as well.
Greetings, 360

PS: I added such a gpsies-generated track to my last *Mount Saint Helena report, looks beautiful :-)

Barbacan says:
Sent 12 January 2014, 18h30
Thanks a lot!!

ciliegio says: Earth map problem
Sent 19 March 2014, 22h06
When I click on "Earth" function on the HIKR map, it doesn't work and appears the following message:

"The Earth map type is not supported"

I tried on different PCs and with different browsers but the result is always the same. How could I solve this problem?


felixbavaria says: RE:Earth map problem
Sent 19 March 2014, 22h24
You need the Google Earth plugin

ciliegio says: RE:Earth map problem
Sent 20 March 2014, 21h56
Of course I have the Google Earth plugin!
If I use Earth map function on maps.google.com it works correctly! Only with HIKR map doesn't work!
My operative system is Windows 7.

Has anyone got the same problem?

Stani™ says: RE:Earth map problem
Sent 20 March 2014, 22h17
On which page?

ciliegio says: RE:Earth map problem
Sent 21 March 2014, 20h36
The problem is on the page http://www.hikr.org/map.php using the "Earth" function...

Winterbaer says: RE:Earth map problem
Sent 21 March 2014, 22h00
Ciao ciliegio and Stani!
I use Windows 8 and the page "Earth function" doesn`t work eather on my notebook, not either on Google Chrome or Ubuntu and I have the Google Earth plugin Version I receive the same report: "The Earth map type is not supported", but so far I did not use this function:-)

ciliegio says: RE:Earth map problem
Sent 23 March 2014, 16h11
I see that it's not only my problem! Is anyone able to help us or give any answer to this problem?

Thanks in advance!

Stani™ says: RE:Earth map problem
Sent 23 March 2014, 22h24
Unfortunately this one doesn't work anymore.We repaired the map in the report page, you should be able to use Earth there. You can also show it fullscreen, there is a button on top of the map.

ciliegio says: RE:Earth map problem
Sent 27 March 2014, 22h05
What do you mean by "report page"? Could you link me it, please?

Thanks for your patience!

ciliegio says: RE:Earth map problem
Sent 27 April 2014, 16h16
I tried to use the "Earth" function also in te "report page" but it doesn't work also there... it's a real pity that this wonderful function is not more active...
Could I wonder that in the future it will be restored?


Stani™ says: RE:Earth map problem
Sent 19 March 2014, 23h15
On which page?

Schneemann says: RE:Earth map problem
Sent 20 March 2014, 07h48
If you use Linux, then you cannot use this earth-function (and the UFO-function) and you get the described error. To my knowledge, google has not provided the necessary google-earth plugin until now for linux systems.

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