Mythen trilogie

Published by Lone Ranger, 12 May 2011, 12h33. This page has been displayed 736 times.

I am planning to do the classic route: Brunni-Haagenspitz-Klein Mythen-Grosser Mythen next weekend with a friend (if it is dry). Would love to have company; contact me if you'd like to join.

Comments (13)

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Berglurch says: Joining
Sent 12 May 2011, 14h26
May I?

Sent 12 May 2011, 14h32
Pleasure :-)

Zaza pm-ed expressing interest we are 4 as of now. We just have to find a dry weekend. This weekend, the next, or the subsequent all work for me.

Berglurch says: Great
Sent 12 May 2011, 15h15
This weekend would work out fine for me. But the weather doesn`t look promising.
I won`t be able to join next weekend, but the subsequent would be alright again.


andui says:
Sent 13 May 2011, 13h22
I'm also interested to joyn but not this weekend. The following weekend, if it's dry, that would be ok for me.
regards, Andy

Lone Ranger says: RE:
Sent 13 May 2011, 13h53
Cool; Marcel also expressed interest. Let's see the weather and decide next weekend or the subsequent one.

Marius says:
Sent 17 May 2011, 17h54
I'd be interested too, if the group isn't getting too large yet:) If we happen to be lucky with the weather, of course. The snow seems to have disappeared quite fast (, or what do you reckon?
Cheers M

Lone Ranger says: RE:
Sent 17 May 2011, 18h08
Hmmm, that is funny; I was on Rigi last Sunday (2 days back) and there was snow over 1400m, and from there the Mythens looked like in winter, but it looks dry already!!!

Sure, we'll be happy to meet more people, and after some time if the pace is too different we can split into two groups (I am not fast).


Marius says: RE:
Sent 17 May 2011, 22h36
I was surprised too seeing how fast the snow vanishes (just looking at web cams)! Would be nice if this hike plan works, let's keep an eye on the weather forecast then.

Marius says: Tomorrow (Saturday)
Sent 20 May 2011, 12h11
Anybody up for tomorrow? The weather seems unstable towards the afternoon, however I think an attempt may be worthwile, knowing that the tour can be aborted if thunderstorms approach (at least for the first part, Haggenspitz and Kleiner Mythen; I'm less sure about Grosser Mythen though...)

andui says: RE:Tomorrow (Saturday)
Sent 20 May 2011, 13h54
My knee is struck, so unfortunately I have to cancel for tomorrow.
Until next Saturday, I expect an improvement in my knee and may I could joyn then...

Lone Ranger says: RE:Tomorrow (Saturday)
Sent 20 May 2011, 17h26
That sounds reasonable, but I will go next weekend or later in perfect weather.
Have fun,

Marius says: RE:Tomorrow (Saturday)
Sent 20 May 2011, 18h27
I'm also postponing this for later - have found some alternative plans for tomorrow.

Lone Ranger says: Saturday 7:50 am @ Brunni-Alpthal
Sent 26 May 2011, 11h08
OK guys, so finally we decided to go this Saturday. We meet at 7:48 am at the last stop of the bus from Einseideln.

Whether to bring rope/harness and approach from Haggenegg, or do the easier approach from Griggelli, will be decided depending on who comes and what their abilities/confidence levels are, and how the weather acts.

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