Etwas für aktive Hikrs / Qualcosa per gli utenti attivi!

Published by Stani™, 17 July 2023, 17h46. This page has been displayed 807 times.

Personen mit 100 oder mehr Tourenberichten werden ab sofort keine Werbeanzeigen mehr sehen.
Vielen Dank für Euren Beitrag zu!
Qualcosa per gli utenti attivi! Le persone con 100 o più segnalazioni non vedono più nessun annuncio publicitario.
Grazie per il vostro contributo a Hikr!
Something for active users: people with 100 or more reports will not see any ads anymore.
Thank you for contributing to!
Les gens avec 100+ rapports ne vont plus voir la pub. Merci beaucup pour contribuer à Hikr!

Comments (51)

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Bombo says:
Sent 17 July 2023, 19h04
Vielen Dank!

Stani™ says: RE:
Sent 17 July 2023, 19h13

SCM says:
Sent 17 July 2023, 19h59
Wow! Super! Vielen Dank dafür.

Stani™ says: RE:
Sent 17 July 2023, 20h48
Danke dir auch!

kopfsalat says:
Sent 17 July 2023, 22h18
Super! Besten Dank.

Stani™ says: RE:
Sent 17 July 2023, 23h03
Merci à toi aussi!

detlefpalm says: Much appreciated!
Sent 18 July 2023, 08h59
Makes a big difference to me! Cheers, Detlef

Stani™ says: RE:Much appreciated!
Sent 18 July 2023, 09h21
Thank you!

Schubi says:
Sent 18 July 2023, 10h01
Das ist ja nett – herzlichen Dank!

Stani™ says: RE:
Sent 18 July 2023, 10h46

Sent 18 July 2023, 15h59
Hi stani,

Thanks for the work and new features you deployed the last weeks!

How about having the newest community updates on start page again to spread the good news?

Congrats and
G, Rise

georgb says: I agree
Sent 18 July 2023, 21h08
a certain kind of communitycation would be nicer
Thanks Stan!

Stani™ says: RE:I agree
Sent 18 July 2023, 22h41
Thank you!

Stani™ says: RE:
Sent 18 July 2023, 22h40
Thank you too!

It's offtopic, but anyway. I agree that would be great to spread the good news, but we only will put the forum on the first page again if you explain me how to remove people fighting and trolling each other. If you know the answer you can also have a Nobel Price for Peace, because nobody knows the solution. If it on the first page of a moderately popular place it will happen.

And the "good news" would be at the 5th place with same 100 views after 4 political discussions with 5000 views each. I think there is a lot of other places to fight on the web

Maybe we will add them in the future, but not on the first page for everybody. First page is for reports and photos. Now if you are interested you can always check the Comm page, or subscribe and you get the email, like you did.

And personally speaking, we only got interested to do new things for hikr again after we removed the forum from the first page. I only regret we didn't that earlier.

PS: "inactive" is gone?

Alpin_Rise says: RE:
Sent 26 July 2023, 13h22
Thanks for displaying the forum again!

> if you explain me how to remove people fighting and trolling each other.
No solution, sorry. Personally I value exchange between people higher than the obligatory weirdos, fighters or trolls - as long I'ts not too much (again, limits are personal.)
In my opinion, the discussions and contents on hikr do regulate themselves pretty good, at least what I get to see as a user.

As I wrote before in another thread, translated to English:
"Certain statements in the forums are quite abstruse, they say a lot about their authors"

G, Rise

roger_h says: RE:
Sent 24 August 2023, 09h30
Hi Stani
Thank you for the news!
Maybe as a compromise, could there be a thread overview like we had it on the front page but on the communities main page (
Not as prominent as earlier, but helpful.
Thanks again, Roger

Stani™ says: RE:
Sent 24 August 2023, 14h10
Hi Roger, thank you. If you are logged in you see the thread overview on the main page like before.

alpstein says:
Sent 18 July 2023, 16h01
Besten Dank!

Stani™ says: RE:
Sent 18 July 2023, 22h24
Danke dir auch!

F3ttmull says:
Sent 19 July 2023, 13h10
Grazie mille :)

Stani™ says: RE:
Sent 19 July 2023, 13h21
Anche a te!

Margit says:
Sent 26 July 2023, 12h47
Thank you, good idea!
But I will have to make some efforts to reach the 100 reports soon ;-)
I am hiking every week, but I think many of the hikes are hardly interesting for others. I unfortunately don't live in the mountains.

Stani™ says: RE:
Sent 26 July 2023, 21h46
Thank you Margit! You can make it!
And I don't think that's true about being hardly interesting. There's also other people here with reports from "flat" places. Important is that it's interesting to you :)

Sent 26 July 2023, 18h19
Mille Grazie!

Stani™ says: RE:
Sent 26 July 2023, 21h26
Grazie Mille!

pika8x14 says:
Sent 26 July 2023, 23h46
Thanks a lot for this
and for all the work over the years.

Stani™ says: RE:
Sent 27 July 2023, 00h34
Thank you too!

basodino says:
Sent 27 July 2023, 16h31
Thank you very much for the changes. After not being a Pro-member it felt as if the whole project may slowly die. But now I feel that there is new life and I hope to do my small part to keep it attractive for some time more.
The forum on the 1st page is really nice to see as there are often interesting topics. I won't apply for the nobel peace price and I have no solution for the trolls but I missed this section for its more positive content and information. I see the downside as well but it's really like letting the dark side win if the good stuff is banished at the same time. I hope you will get an idea to keep that in balance.
Thank you for continuing to provide this magnificant site.

Stani™ says: RE:
Sent 27 July 2023, 18h54
Thank you!

For the forum, maybe that's just the "tunnel vision" but I had the impression that there was people fighting all the time. And those fights were getting much more views than the normal posts or reports. That was really making me sick. But I hope it's going better now, because the forum is useful.

And I think we have something similar to pro now: no or less ads for active members and full screen photo zoom for everybody. Photo upload is unfortunately limited but the limit is bigger than before and one can upload pretty large photos as I tried to explain here There's still the user homepage map which is not working but we will fix that. In general we would really like to remake the map, we have really clear idea how it should look, just need some time :)

ᴅinu says: Herzlichen Dank!
Sent 27 July 2023, 17h41
Da geht was :-) So macht das ganze noch mehr Spass!
Vielen Dank den Beteiligten!
Beste Grüsse

Stani™ says: RE:Herzlichen Dank!
Sent 27 July 2023, 18h10
Danke Dinu!

maenzgi says: Danke schön
Sent 28 July 2023, 07h17
Ich bin happy mit den neuen/überarbeiteten Dingen. Danke dem ganzen Team im Hintergrund. Ich bin ein Befürworter das die Communitys etwas in den Hintergrund gerückt sind. Nun sehe ich wieder mehr in den Communitys rein.

Stani™ says: RE:Danke schön
Sent 28 July 2023, 12h02
Danke maenzgi!

sven86 says:
Sent 28 July 2023, 13h28
Thanks for your effort and these nice improvements!
You had my complete understanding to shut down the forum section in order to protect the reputation of this platform and its users

Stani™ says: RE:
Sent 28 July 2023, 21h58
Thank you Sven!

miCHi_79 says:
Sent 29 July 2023, 18h07
Vielen Dank ;-) Macht doch grad noch mehr Spass. Gruess Michi

Stani™ says: RE:
Sent 29 July 2023, 20h58
Danke Michi!

Delta Pro says:
Sent 29 July 2023, 21h20
Thanks so much for keeping the project Hikr alive after so many years!!
The new developments are really useful. Excellent and simple idea to replace the Pro membership with less Ads for active users.
All the best, Delta

Stani™ says: RE:
Sent 29 July 2023, 22h47
Merci Delta! On regrette qu'on l'a pas fait plus tôt.

Vielhygler says: Thanks for watering the garden
Sent 31 July 2023, 11h59
It feels good to know, that you Admins are interested in developing the Site with good new features.
As once Pro member I appreciate the >100 no ad offer, merci :-))

Stani™ says: RE:Thanks for watering the garden
Sent 31 July 2023, 13h37
Merci Andreas :)

klemi74 says:
Sent 31 July 2023, 20h47
Auch von meiner Seite vielen Dank! Macht die Seite bei schlechtem Handynetz auch viel schneller,!


Stani™ says: RE:
Sent 31 July 2023, 22h34
Danke Karsten
Wir haben nicht darüber nachgedacht, aber es ist großartig!

Max says:
Sent 6 August 2023, 13h16
Thank you very much, also for all the effort keeping the site running!

best regards ;-)

Stani™ says: RE:
Sent 9 August 2023, 16h59
Danke Max !

stephen says:
Sent 18 August 2023, 23h30
J'arrive un peu tard à la fête, mais merci ! J'ai failli renoncer à poster il y a 2 ou 3 ans à cause de la publicité, je suis content d'avoir persisté.

Stani™ says: RE:
Sent 19 August 2023, 18h59
Merci Stephen! Oui, le but c'est de créer pour les utilisateurs actifs à peu près les mêmes conditions que c’était pour les pro dans le passé.

3614adrian says: Danke!
Sent 21 August 2023, 13h17
Da kann ich mich den Vorrednern nur anschliessen! Danke!

Hab‘ grad kürzlich Touren wiederholt, wo ich vor 15 Jahren, zu Beginn meiner hikr-Zeit publiziert habe! Schön, dass hikr bis jetzt und hoffentlich noch lange Tag für Tag lebt und Freude macht!


Stani™ says: RE:Danke!
Sent 24 August 2023, 14h10
Merci Adrian

Bergmax says: Gute Idee
Sent 23 August 2023, 17h02
Danke & beste Grüße aus dem Schwarzwald


Stani™ says: RE:Gute Idee
Sent 24 August 2023, 14h11
Danke Max!

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