Tour wird nicht gelistet

Published by schimi, 31 March 2016, 10h55. This page has been displayed 306 times.

Hallo Leute,
mal wieder eine technische Frage von mir:

Wenn ich in der Suchen-Funktion "Siplinger Kopf" suche, werden alle Touren die den Suchbegriff enthalten gelistet. Dachte ich seither...
Gehe ich im Suchergebnis auf den Hauptlink zum Gipfel, also
wwerden darunter 9 Tourenberichte gelistet, meine Tour auf den Siplinger Kopf fehlt aber.

Wer kann mir erklären nach welchen Suchkriterien gesucht wird und warum meine Tour nicht gefunden wird?

Danke euch allen für euer Feedback
Grüße und bis bald,

Comments (8)

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Anna says:
Sent 31 March 2016, 11h02
Because in your Siplinger Kopf report you added the Siplinger Nadel waypoint and not the Siplinger Kopf.

schimi says: RE:
Sent 31 March 2016, 11h09
Thanks Anna!
Ok, so the search criterion is only the waypoint...
I have not been on top, therefore the waypoint is not in the report.

Anna says: RE:
Sent 31 March 2016, 11h18
The page is just the google search, so it's what google decided is good to list on that page. The suggestions (aka what appears when you start to type something) are instead hikr waypoints and hikr users. So, yes in a suggestion you can't find anything else that a waypoint or a user, but if you just press enter without select any of those, then you have the full google result with google criteria.
There is also a filter on hikr, is called Explore and maybe it matches better what you're looking for.

Anna says: RE:
Sent 31 March 2016, 11h25
Anyway, still not clear to me why you titled the report "Siplinger Kopf" and then you added to the waypoints the "Siplinger Nadel" and not the Siplinger Kopf and then you pretend to find your report on the Siplinger Kopf home page.

schimi says: RE:
Sent 31 March 2016, 11h52
It's easy to understand...It's just human error.
The tour was planned to go on Siplinger Kopf, because I did not reach it, I did not put the waypoint. But we passed Siplinger Nadel. It is just a point on the way on top of Siplinger Kopf. Therefore the point is in the report.
I thought the headline of the tour is also a search criteria. But this is might not be correct.

At the end the point is, that I am a user thinking like a human and not like a machine. I try hardly to manage my brain thinking in both ways. But sometimes I fail.

Thank You Anna

Anna says: RE:
Sent 31 March 2016, 14h14
Actually, the headline is also a search criteria, but not for the suggestions and not on the waypoint homepage (where you only have, of course, reports with that waypoint).

The point is that hikr is just a program, it cannot interpret your thought/wishes

Deleted comment

schimi says: RE:
Sent 31 March 2016, 12h00
Hallo Renaiolo,
danke für Deine Rückmeldung.

Nein das ist nicht der Grund. Jetzt klappt es, weil ich den Wegpunkt in der Zwischenzeit hinzugefügt habe.
Die Unterschiedlichen Schreibweisen in der Überschrift habe ich auch alle vorab ausprobiert, das hatte aber keinen Einfluss auf das Suchergebnis.
Ich glaube, dass die Überschrift der Tour nicht für die Suche herangezogen wird. Z.B. wird auch eine Tour gefunden die heißt "2tägige NagelfluhRunde - 2.Tag" Da kommt Siplingen gar nicht vor.

schöne Grüße

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