rifugio Quintino Sella

Kommentare (3)

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rele hat gesagt: confusion...
Gesendet am 26. Januar 2021 um 14:00
Sorry, it is really confusing since there are so many rifugios called Quintino Sella :) This is the one in Monte Rosa (3585m), and you accidentally tagged the one in Monte Bianco (3496m).

numbers hat gesagt: RE:confusion...
Gesendet am 26. Januar 2021 um 18:13
Easy to make confusion for those who are not very experienced like me
Thank you for the tipe
I'm sorry


rele hat gesagt: RE:confusion...
Gesendet am 26. Januar 2021 um 18:30
No problem Mario and thank you for the correction! Ciao and best greetings, rele

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