Round Top Lake 2847 m 9338 ft.
Lake in 1 hike report, 5 photo(s).
Last visited :
23 Aug 19
In the vicinity of:
Round Top, Winnemucca Lake, Carson Pass, The Sisters - East Peak
Photos (5)
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Round Top Lake seen from the first highpoint © 360
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Reports (1)
California |
23 Aug 19
The Sisters - West-East Traverse from Woods Lake
I have climbed "The Sisters" (P. 10153 and 10045) west of Round Top twice already but only from the Saddle west of Round Top. If in the area or looking at atopo map, one can clearly see that the ridge is not only two, but depending on how you count, made up of 4-5 Sisters from the saddle west of Round Top all the way to the...
Published by
360 27 August 2019, 23h03
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Reports in the vicinity
California |
10 May 19
With "Why Wait?!" to Round Top
DG aka "Why Wait!?" and I wanted to go for a "hike" a long time already, but for one and the other reason it never happened yet. Today it did and it was a fun showshoe/back country ski outing on a wonderful spring day in the Sierras.
We did the loop from Woods Lake to Round Top and back, like Donnie Darko and I did...
Published by
360 12 May 2019, 20h50
(Photos:10 | Geodata:1)
First tracks on Round Top
Round Top is on my wish list every season and today I was contemplating to start at Woods Lake, like I did here. However, the last winter storm brought more snow to the already very high snow pack in this area and I was afraid to not even be able to park at the turnout there. Instead I planned to start at the sno-park on Carson...
Published by
360 2 April 2019, 16h30
(Photos:10 | Geodata:1)
California |
4 May 18
Woods Lake a nice alternative start for a ski tour to Round Top
As you might have noticed by now, Round Top is one of my favorite goals in winter and summer. So far my starting point for this tour has always been Carson Pass. For back-country ski tours, the section from Carson Pass to Winnemucca Lake is somewhat sub-optimal. The main reason is that this part is rather flat with only little...
Published by
360 7 May 2018, 22h41
(Photos:12 | Geodata:1)
Plan B: Thimble Peak - a worthy alternative to the original plan
Whenever I drive to Carson pass from east during the winter, I see the nice east facing slopes of Red Lake - and Stevens Peak, which look very inviting for skiing. David Wonser praises Red Lake Peak's east face on his website as "some of the best corn skiing terrain in Carson Pass". And that's exactly what my plan was for the day....
Published by
360 1 May 2018, 16h10
(Photos:12 | Geodata:1)
California |
24 Nov 17
Round Top: Normal Route from Carson Pass
Quick trip to the Sierra to check out the snow situation at Round Top. I should have brought my skis along, because there was more than plenty of the white stuff.
Walked from Carson Pass to Winnemucca Lake to the saddle between The Sisters and Round Top and then via west ridge (snow free) to the top. Back the same way. (For...
Published by
360 27 November 2017, 04h24
(Photos:4 | Geodata:1)