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Mittelwallis   T3  
6 Jul 17
Sasseneire (3253m)
From this hiking trip,i also made a video compilation,with a lot of pictures&360 degree views.
Publiziert von pkd19 16. Juli 2017 um 16:03 (Kommentare:1)
Oberwallis   T2  
8 Jul 17
Moosalp towards March (2876m)
A little walktrough,you start this tour at Moosalp Parking. It's an relatively easy route to do,only the part towards the Helminiridge requires more attention, that's because it's narrow and steep. For the rest,a easy walkup route. A little video from the tour:
Publiziert von pkd19 16. Juli 2017 um 11:59
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